Environmental Protection Department of Lithuania

AADIS System by Power Platform


Environmental Protection Department of Lithuania


Microsoft Power Platform


  • Manual labor prevented achieving optimal operational results.
  • The data was not organized systematically.
  • Insufficient information accessibility.
  • High likelihood of human error.


Implementation progress


The needs of the Environmental Protection Department were assessed, and a unified approach, motives, and goals for the information system were agreed upon.

Creating the solution architecture

Developing the IS architecture and designing the database structure to meet system requirements. A DevOps solution is created that automates processes, saving resources in the long run, enabling targeted testing, and ensuring a continuous flow of updates to the production environment components of the system.

Developing the Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The basic desired system functionality is created, providing a user interface that allows for data manipulation. This approach enables us to receive feedback and insights from both the end-user and the client much earlier, allowing us to work purposefully and avoid wasting resources.

Development of Further Fuctions

Typically, during the development, testing, or usage of the system, the need for additional conveniences or features arises. Therefore, in the system development phase, we address issues or challenges that couldn't be anticipated at the beginning of the project.





Currently, AADIS is used throughout the Environmental Protection Department. This system will help perform environmental protection control more efficiently, make data-driven decisions, and digitize processes.

  • More efficient environmental protection control
  • High-quality monitoring of department performance indicators
  • Data is systematized for risk-based decision making
  • Digitized processes reduce the time officers spend on paperwork
  • Transparency and faster operational results


